
Are you a diehard for special developed hiking trails that run through the country Side with marked stations next to points of interest? Well we are located just in the best spot for you to experience nature walks with stunning scenery;


Lake Oloiden

Just there lays a small lake called the lake Oloiden with is close to Lake Naivasha but separate.

This place is known for its connection to Lake Naivasha back then, but later separated from it. Because of this separation, its sanity can be greater than that of Lake Naivasha and as such it owns flamingo flocks and hippos which can be quite numerous.


Crescent Island

Crescent Island is located approximately 26 kilometers from West Beach Camp.

Just about 15 minutes by boat from the shores of Lake Naivasha. It is actually one of the few places in Naivasha where you can enjoy a nature walk alongside zebras, elands, monkeys, dik diks, impalas and gazelles. The terrain is flat, making it easy for walkers of all abilities to enjoy themselves.


Crater Lake

Elsamere remains a unique destination in Naivasha.

The centre is beautifully situated at the edge of Lake Naivasha offers excellent views. It is the home to over 250 bird species and several wild animals. There is a lot to see including giraffes, zebras, not forgetting the over 200 recorded bird species.  Only few minutes from the hotel, Elsamere Conservation is a great place for nature walks and game viewing.

Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus. Unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam.
Inmensae subtilitatis, obscuris et malesuada fames. Michelle Peterson, Chief Editor at TheForbes.com

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+254 720 091 777



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